The Culture Factor News

Noor Bank's Culture Factor, the success story of an ongoing Cultural Transformation

Written by Hofstede Insights | Oct 15, 2019 5:59:00 AM

In 2018, we had the opportunity to assist Noor Bank's bank-wide culture transformation. This year Noor Bank was awarded the prestigious "Best Transformation and Strategy 2019" and CEO John Iossifidis the award for "Best Transformation Leader". To honour this, Banker Middle East Magazine published 2 special reports highlighting the importance of Culture in today's changing world.

The Culture Factor Group (previously known as Hofstede Insights) analytical and data-driven approach enables a very hands-on, pragmatic and strategic approach to culture. It enabled us to transform our bank into a new direction by understanding the cultural tendencies in the various groups of our bank, and surgically choose follow up actions respectful of the various nationalities within the bank.

John Iossifidis, CEO , Noor Bank


Watch the webinar on the transformation process. 

Read more about the work we have done together with Noor Bank in the 2 following special reports published in the Banker Middle East.